Miguel is part of BomhardIP’s technology team. He is in charge of the server, network and security management, as well as being responsible for maintaining the integrity of all computer workstations and associated software.
He also develops, together with Álvaro Sentamans, a back-office management software system tailored to the needs of the firm, specifically its frontend.
In addition to his native Spanish, Miguel is fluent in English and has some knowledge of French.
In his spare time, he studies music, with his electric bass and double bass.
Certificate of Higher Education: Computer Systems Administration, Mare Nostrum Institute of Alicante
Diploma of Higher Education: Technical engineer in computer management from the University of Alicante
Master’s degree: Automatics and robotics by the University of Alicante
Work Experience
Since 2015: BomhardIP
2014 – 2015: Programmer at Cultrixmedia
2013 – 2014: Technical engineer at Helados Alacant