Giles Corbally

Giles Corbally es Socio de BomhardIP con una trayectoria profesional en el ámbito de las marcas de más de 25 años. Su especialización es la defensa y la solicitud de marcas y diseños de la UE.

Cuenta con una sólida experiencia en litigios de marcas en la Unión Europea y más allá de sus fronteras, que incluye oposiciones y cancelaciones en la Oficina de Propiedad Intelectual de la Unión Europea (EUIPO). También tiene amplia experiencia en la gestión de carteras multinacionales de marcas, en búsquedas de marcas, en particular multijurisdiccionales, en la solicitud y defensa de marcas a nivel europeo e internacional incluyendo, en particular, marcas de la UE y registros internacionales bajo el Protocolo de Madrid y en la negociación de acuerdos de coexistencia en materia de propiedad industrial.

A lo largo de su carrera profesional, Giles ha gestionado marcas y carteras completas para clientes procedentes de diversos sectores, entre los que se incluyen los sectores de la alimentación y de las bebidas, del tabaco, del entretenimiento (cine y televisión), del ocio, de la publicidad, así como las industrias farmaceútica y automobilística, las finanzas, la ingeniería y la informática. Antes de incorporarse a BomhardIP, Giles ha ocupado puestos de responsabilidad en algunos de los despachos internacionales más importantes, tanto de Londres como europeos, habiendo iniciado su carrera en el derecho de marcas trabajando para el propietario de la cartera de marcas más grande del mundo.

Es miembro del Comité de Resolución Alternativa de Conflictos de la INTA y también del comité de publicaciones de la Asociación de Marcas de las Comunidades Europeas (ECTA). Asimismo es miembro de la Junta Consultiva Europea para Corsearch, proveedor internacional de búsquedas de marcas.

En su tiempo libre se dedica al windsurf, la navegación y la escalada.


Licenciatura en Biología Celular y Molecular – Universidad Oxford Brookes

Máster en Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual – Universidad de Londres Queen Mary

Experiencia Profesional

Desde 2015:    BomhardIP

2009 – 2015:   Hogan Lovells, Alicante, España

2002 – 2009:  Clifford Chance, Londres, Reino Unido

1998 – 2002:    Linklaters, Londres, Reino Unido

1997 – 1999:     Hammonds, Londres, Reino Unido

1996 – 1997:     Unilever plc, Londres, Reino Unido




Octubre, 2018 – The CJEU on seniorities – all change!, ECTA e- Bulletin  LINK

Octubre, 2017 – Further guidance from the General Court on bad faith – PayPal, Inc. v. EUIPO, T-132/16, ECTA e-Bulletin

Junio, 2017 – Entrevista con Cécile Samalens, ECTA Bulletin

Octubre, 2017 – CJEU confirms: piecemeal renewals of EUTMs are possible – Nissan Jidiosha KK v. EUIPO, C 207/15 P, ECTA e-Bulletin

Febrero, 2016 – Entrevista con Kristiane Brøndum Vandborg, ECTA e-Bulletin

Octubre, 2015 – European trade mark law reform: key changes for trade mark owners, ECTA e-Bulletin


Miembro – Comité de Resolución Alternativa de Conflictos de la INTA

Miembro – Comité de Publicaciones de la ECTA

Miembro de la Junta – Junta Consultiva Europea – Corsearch

Presentaciones Recientes

Abril, 2018 – Pan-European Seal IP Campus Event at the EUIPO, Alicante, Spain

Enero, 2015 – IPR Helpdesk – Trademarks and Licensing

Septiembre, 2014 – Recent Developments in EU Case law [Webinar]

Abril, 2014 – OHIM Tertulia – Convergence Program (CP4) on scope of protection for black and white marks, Alicante, Spain.




Premios y Reconocimientos

WIPR Leaders 2024 Spain – here

MIP IP Star 2024 – here

2024 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally can be counted on for any and all EU trademark matters, including prosecution, counselling, enforcement and contentious matters. He is thoughful, business minded and practical, as well as a pleasure to work with.”) – Social card here

WIPR Leaders 2023 Spain – here

MIP IP Star 2023 – here

2023 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally’s reputation for level-headed and sound advice is legendary. With over 25 years of experience under his belt, he blends all-encompassing IP insight with commercial nous.”) – Social card here

2022 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Approachable and efficient, Giles Corbally has an impressive list of clients and is particularly excellent in opposition and litigation proceedings.”) – Social card here

2021 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally is an oppositions whizz with an encyclopaedic understanding of procedural rules and the Madrid Protocol.”) – Social card here

WIPR Leaders 2021 Spain – here

Trade Mark Star 2020/21

2020 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally is an authority on EU trademarks and designs and a fount of insight and analysis regarding international IP law. Top brand owners place their trust in his commercial judgement, which he exercises astutely in the course of managing the most valuable trademarks.”) – Social card here

Who´s Who Legal: Trademark 2019 – Spain (PDF)

2019 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: ”Giles Corbally is another EU trademarks authority who handles sprawling portfolios and vital disputes with consummate ease.”)

2018 WTR 1000 ( Silver Ranking; “Giles has a flair for the trickiest prosecution mandates and is best known for centralised searching and clearance.”)

2017 Who´s Who Legal – Trademarks – Spain

2017 WTR 1000 – Recommended Individual – “His customer care skills are some of the best in the business and he is a practical, down-to-earth guy whom clients really warm to”

2016 WTR 1000 – Recommended Individual – “Giles is a reference when it comes to Community trademark and design matters, both contentious and non-contentious. He can effortlessly administer large portfolios, having done so throughout his career, encompassing both in-house and private practice positions.”

2023 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally’s reputation for level-headed and sound advice is legendary. With over 25 years of experience under his belt, he blends all-encompassing IP insight with commercial nous.”) – Social card here

2022 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Approachable and efficient, Giles Corbally has an impressive list of clients and is particularly excellent in opposition and litigation proceedings.”) – Social card here

2021 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally is an oppositions whizz with an encyclopaedic understanding of procedural rules and the Madrid Protocol.”) – Social card here

WIPR Leaders 2021 Spain – here

Trade Mark Star 2020/21

2020 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally is an authority on EU trademarks and designs and a fount of insight and analysis regarding international IP law. Top brand owners place their trust in his commercial judgement, which he exercises astutely in the course of managing the most valuable trademarks.”) – Social card here

Who´s Who Legal: Trademark 2019 – Spain (PDF)

2019 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: ”Giles Corbally is another EU trademarks authority who handles sprawling portfolios and vital disputes with consummate ease.”)

2018 WTR 1000 ( Silver Ranking; “Giles has a flair for the trickiest prosecution mandates and is best known for centralised searching and clearance.”)

2017 Who´s Who Legal – Trademarks – Spain

2017 WTR 1000 – Recommended Individual – “His customer care skills are some of the best in the business and he is a practical, down-to-earth guy whom clients really warm to”

2016 WTR 1000 – Recommended Individual – “Giles is a reference when it comes to Community trademark and design matters, both contentious and non-contentious. He can effortlessly administer large portfolios, having done so throughout his career, encompassing both in-house and private practice positions.”

2023 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally’s reputation for level-headed and sound advice is legendary. With over 25 years of experience under his belt, he blends all-encompassing IP insight with commercial nous.”) – Social card here

2022 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Approachable and efficient, Giles Corbally has an impressive list of clients and is particularly excellent in opposition and litigation proceedings.”) – Social card here

2021 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally is an oppositions whizz with an encyclopaedic understanding of procedural rules and the Madrid Protocol.”) – Social card here

WIPR Leaders 2021 Spain – here

Trade Mark Star 2020/21

2020 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally is an authority on EU trademarks and designs and a fount of insight and analysis regarding international IP law. Top brand owners place their trust in his commercial judgement, which he exercises astutely in the course of managing the most valuable trademarks.”) – Social card here

Who´s Who Legal: Trademark 2019 – Spain (PDF)

2019 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: ”Giles Corbally is another EU trademarks authority who handles sprawling portfolios and vital disputes with consummate ease.”)

2018 WTR 1000 ( Silver Ranking; “Giles has a flair for the trickiest prosecution mandates and is best known for centralised searching and clearance.”)

2017 Who´s Who Legal – Trademarks – Spain

2017 WTR 1000 – Recommended Individual – “His customer care skills are some of the best in the business and he is a practical, down-to-earth guy whom clients really warm to”

2016 WTR 1000 – Recommended Individual – “Giles is a reference when it comes to Community trademark and design matters, both contentious and non-contentious. He can effortlessly administer large portfolios, having done so throughout his career, encompassing both in-house and private practice positions.”

2023 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally’s reputation for level-headed and sound advice is legendary. With over 25 years of experience under his belt, he blends all-encompassing IP insight with commercial nous.”) – Social card here

2022 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Approachable and efficient, Giles Corbally has an impressive list of clients and is particularly excellent in opposition and litigation proceedings.”) – Social card here

2021 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally is an oppositions whizz with an encyclopaedic understanding of procedural rules and the Madrid Protocol.”) – Social card here

WIPR Leaders 2021 Spain – here

Trade Mark Star 2020/21

2020 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: “Giles Corbally is an authority on EU trademarks and designs and a fount of insight and analysis regarding international IP law. Top brand owners place their trust in his commercial judgement, which he exercises astutely in the course of managing the most valuable trademarks.”) – Social card here

Who´s Who Legal: Trademark 2019 – Spain (PDF)

2019 WTR 1000 (Silver Ranking: ”Giles Corbally is another EU trademarks authority who handles sprawling portfolios and vital disputes with consummate ease.”)

2018 WTR 1000 ( Silver Ranking; “Giles has a flair for the trickiest prosecution mandates and is best known for centralised searching and clearance.”)

2017 Who´s Who Legal – Trademarks – Spain

2017 WTR 1000 – Recommended Individual – “His customer care skills are some of the best in the business and he is a practical, down-to-earth guy whom clients really warm to”

2016 WTR 1000 – Recommended Individual – “Giles is a reference when it comes to Community trademark and design matters, both contentious and non-contentious. He can effortlessly administer large portfolios, having done so throughout his career, encompassing both in-house and private practice positions.”