Our Approach to Searching
Prior to launching a new or existing brand into a new market it is essential to ascertain, as far as possible, whether it is available for use and registration.
At BomhardIP, our philosophy to searching is one of simplicity. Our approach is to provide business savvy recommendations balanced by legal risks and commercial reality. While it is easy to say “no” we thrive in assessing the “what ifs” and “maybes” – looking beyond the purely legal issues to provide a clear path to launch.
When, where and how searches should be performed in the EU depends on a number of factors including business requirements, urgency and budget. We have extensive experience in advising on the available options and will work with you to devise an appropriate search strategy to suit your specific needs.
This includes the common question of whether or not to search in all 28 EU member states before filing an EUTM. In short, no, it is not strictly necessary or a legal requirement to do so. Our recommendation is to adopt a targeted search approach and conduct searches in those markets where you intend to use the brand in the short to medium term searching additional markets as your launch plans develop.
• More on when and where to search
BomhardIP offers a flexible, fully tailored and centralized search service throughout Europe suited to your specific interests. We will draw up a central search report, factoring in local languages and providing a single view recommendation regarding the availability of the mark in question.
Searching a number of countries through a single source provides cost benefits and ensures one consistent recommendation for your business.
We would be delighted to discuss appropriate search strategies and options in more detail. Associated costs and timings can be provided upon request.